The polymer modified bitumen Quality Control Quality Assurance Program is a comprehensive program designed to verify, assess, and track the quality of polymer modify bitumen delivered to projects and maintenance operations. It is also used as a means for qualifying Producers to provide polymer modify bitumen in this capacity.
Our Laboratory has been Equipped with the most advanced Quality testing Machines to ensure the Highest Quality of Bitumen products based on the ASTM & A.S.S.H.T.O International standards. Various quality control tests in different steps of the production process, including on the raw materials, during product manufacturing and finally on the finished product are performed to control the quality and specifications of the bitumen produced in this company.
Various bitumen tests in the lab are carried out under certain conditions which are strictly controlled and standardized .The complete test instructions are described in the related technical regulations such as AASHTO & ASTM regulations.
These regulations should be strictly observed in the manufacturing process so that the results could be reliable and useful. In order to carry out the tests in different steps of quality control i.e. on the raw materials, product manufacturing and finally on the finished product, considering required facilities for the quality control lab is essential.
All lab equipment’s in the Middle East Modified Bitumen Company ( Membco) for testing bitumen is in accordance with American standard (ASTM) & ASSHTO and consists of equipment’s and instruments for testing penetration rate , softening point , flash point ,viscosity , PAV ,DSR , PPR and all of which are located in our laboratory .